Quiet Minds, Inc. Publishing presents


Prescribing Justice

BoOk Tour

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A series of meet and Greets, Book signings & Panel discussions

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Step into the labyrinth of our criminal justice system, where cries for reform resound through the corridors of power. In this maze, the scales of justice often tip against minorities, their voices silenced by prejudice and systemic bias. Yet, amidst this turmoil, a new narrative unfolds—one where the insights of psychology become catalysts for change.

Join us on a journey through despair and resilience, where the realms of justice and psychology intertwine, illuminating a path towards reform and renewal. Experience the raw, unfiltered account of a Black doctor initially denied entry into the very jail he was hired to serve—a tale that exposes the fractures of a broken system.

This is more than a book; it's a call to action echoing through the chambers of our collective conscience. Brace yourself for an unflinching narrative that reveals both the darkness and the glimmers of hope within our criminal justice system. Get ready to be moved, challenged, and inspired to be part of the change we desperately need.

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What readers are saying about Prescribing


This book is an eye-opener! I couldn't put it down. It's not just a story; it's a powerful call to action. The firsthand experiences shared by the author shed light on the deep-seated issues within our criminal justice system. It's a must-read for anyone passionate about social justice and reform.


Wow, just wow! I finished this book feeling both heartbroken and hopeful. The author's journey from being denied entry into the jail he was hired to work in to advocating for change is incredibly inspiring. The way psychology is woven into the narrative makes it all the more compelling. I'll be recommending this book to everyone I know.

-Sharhonda Edwards, esq.

CERTAINLY a gripping blend of personal narrative and societal critique. The author's courage in confronting the injustices he faced is truly admirable. This isn't just about one person's story; it's about shining a light on systemic issues and empowering readers to take action. It's a game-changer.

-Theresa THerilus, Esq.

About joseph w.poitier jr,MD

As a seasoned psychiatrist based in Miami, Florida, boasting over forty-three years of dedicated service in the medical field, my journey has been defined by resilience, tenacity, and an unwavering commitment to helping others. Motivated by a desire to enact change, I pursued a career in medicine, earning my medical degree from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in 1980. Throughout my rather fulfilling career, I have tirelessly devoted myself to providing compassionate care to underserved populations, particularly those grappling with mental illness within the criminal justice system.

leveraging my experiences to drive advocacy and activism aimed at fostering positive transformation. Through my insightful writing, I am honored to share the struggles and triumphs of African Americans navigating a world marked by adversity, offering profound insights, inspiration, and a beacon of hope for a brighter tomorrow.

About Deanna pierce

Also born and raised in Miami, Florida, my journey has unfolded across diverse sectors, one chapter in my journey stands out—the chapter of my tenure at the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) in Washington, D.C., DYRS, entrusted with the guidance and care of youths navigating the rocky terrain of delinquency, mirrors a reality fraught with challenges akin to its adult counterparts. Over time, the veil lifted, revealing a truth both sobering and profound—juvenile corrections, once perceived as transformative, often served as a mere stopgap, perpetuating cycles of despair, particularly among marginalized communities.

Mental health is a critical topic now due to the COVID-19 pandemic's impact, increased awareness and information access, social media influence, workplace mental health recognition, rising issues among youth, policy and advocacy efforts, intersectional understanding, and technological advances in mental health care. These factors collectively highlight the immediate need to address mental health challenges.

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Prescribing Justice

BoOk Tour

May 5, 2024

Radio interview

Featured on WMBM Radio: The Pentagon of Empowerment

Hosted by Shironda and Wallace Aristide

Saturday, May 4, 2024 @ 12:30pm

May 31, 2024

panel discussion for “Patients not Prisoners “

Evening of campassion event at the Waterworks Building in St. Augustine, Florida.

June 26, 2024

OFFICIAL Book Tour Kick Off


July 2024